THE SPOILS: A Review of a Great Documentary Focusing on AAU/Grassroots Basketball

I got a text from former Phil Martelli this afternoon. For the better part of two decades, Martelli and I have maintained an ongoing dialogue surrounding the future of what used to be considered amateur basketball in the United States. We both lament the fact that college, high school and AAU/grassroots basketball at the highest levels have crossed the rubicon and can no longer be consider purely amateur endeavors. The text consisted of a link to a movie trailer to a documentary, “THE SPOILS”, I had never heard of.

After watching the trailer, I understood exactly why Martelli sent me the link. He knew this was a film I had to see.

“THE SPOILS” is a groundbreaking and illuminating documentary that every basketball enthusiast, parent, and coach must watch. This remarkable film, which follows the esteemed Compton Magic AAU/grassroots program over a decade, offers an unparalleled and deeply insightful exploration into the transformation of youth basketball in America into a colossal business enterprise.

Directed by the visionary filmmaker Future, Mike Nicoll, “THE SPOILS” delves into the heart of the American basketball industrial complex, revealing the intricate and often shadowy financial systems that have taken root in AAU and grassroots basketball. Through the eyes of Etop Udo-Ema, the passionate Co-Founder and CEO of the Compton Magic, viewers are treated to an honest and compelling narrative that sheds light on the raw capitalism driving the sport.

The documentary’s unprecedented access to the inner workings of this financial behemoth is nothing short of extraordinary. Future masterfully unravels the various elements that contribute to the commercialization of youth basketball, providing a first-hand examination of how the industry identifies, anoints, and monetizes the next generation of superstars. The film’s candid portrayal of the relentless pursuit of “The Next LeBron” is both eye-opening and thought-provoking.

“THE SPOILS” is more than just a documentary; it is a vital resource for parents of talented high school basketball players. It offers a critical perspective on the summer circuits sponsored by major shoe companies like Adidas, Nike, Under Armour, and Puma. By highlighting the stakes, pressures, and opportunities within this high-stakes environment, the film equips parents with the knowledge they need to navigate their children’s journeys in the world of competitive basketball.

In conclusion, “THE SPOILS” is a masterclass in documentary filmmaking. It captivates, educates, and inspires, all while offering a sobering look at the commercialization of youth sports. This film is an absolute must-watch for anyone connected to the world of basketball, from aspiring players and their families to coaches and fans. “THE SPOILS” is a true cinematic triumph that will leave a lasting impact on its audience.

To watch this magnificent film click the link below.

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